Friday, November 10, 2006

Potatoes and Diamonds
Yep, I did indeed not think of not putting up a tedious ‘Oh my god exams are coming we’re all going to die’ post, but hey, what the heck right?
Today in the bus, on the way home, I wondered how the next few weeks were going to be like, without Niki around to force me to study, or to distract me. Either way, it drifted on to why everyone made such a big deal about these things we call 'exams'.
Whether it’s Laura, the hyperactive tube light (Sonia), who’s become extremely over-sensitive, or Reshma, who makes me shut up in French class nowdays (when she’s normally the only person who can stand me), or Nishant, who is studying ‘The Guptas’ while I’m on the phone, everyone completely changes before exams! Everyone’s under so much pressure!
Guys. Come on, it’s only two weeks! Don’t worry! I know I’m not one to talk, but just cram, and then at the end of it, enjoy yourself all you want. You guys know what I’m saying. The point of this was not to say that though, it was to say, DO AMAZING!, best of luck! And if you try your hardest, you’ll all do well! After all, diamond is only coal that made good under pressure! Peace out!


Anonymous said...

hey butcrackkk:P
lolll goood point....i dont know whther this had to do with my departure but uve suddenly discovered a hidden brain *applause*:p

Nishant said...

Yeah, its only two weeks. Two boring weeks, too. Best of luck.

Shweta said...

ok bie:D

Radhii said...

Randomness shweta! Lol!!!!!

Rayna said...

Its gonna 2 b 2 looooooooong frustrating weeks...all the best!

Radhii said...

Lol Thanks Rayna! Please don't change ur place :P =( *angelic face* lollll

Shweta said...

ok bie:D
(i know its random.. i started me new bloggie today:D been meaning to do it for months.. bro wont stop rambling abt it8-))

Anonymous said...

me blog started agen:D
(dun ask.. onli a smart alec like me cud screw up a BLOG8-))

Anonymous said...

Best Of Luck 2 all of u..!..-Trisha!!

Radhii said...

Lol shweta !! A smart alec is a good thing :P ! I thinkk *-) Is that even how u spell the stupid word? *sighh*
Thanks trisha!! We'll need it :(

Anonymous said...

I canttt beleev your actually studying so much......! Bioo! Im failing. Chem. Im failing. Bloody physics! Im failinggg! da pressure thing better not have been based on dat certain sumthin that hppnd 2day.. *SLAPP* :P::P:P

Radhii said...

Yes hey yourself dahhlinggg 8-)

Firstly. NO. Tis not.
Secondly. I want to see Borat! I want to see Borat. I WANT TO SEE BORATT!!!!!!